On behalf of various cooperatives and initiators we have worked on the development and permits for several large solar projects in recent months. These involve solar energy on large roofs and as a land-based ‘solarium’. Our advice and support consists of drawing up spatial foundations and delineating all spatial and support and depicting all spatial and environmental considerations: the impact on the landscape and the land use in relation to the energy yield. The land-based solar policy frameworks that have been created in many provinces provide the outlines. The location relative to the power grid is similarly important.
We support municipalities in weighing all the relevant factors, as is essential in every instance of major spatial development. It involves finding space for a new function and realising good spatial planning. Geert Bosch: ‘Just as with wind energy and other major energy projects, meticulous communication, dialogue with the local community and weighing the interests of the various parties is crucial.’ Like to know more about our support for solar projects? Simply contact us via info@www.boschenvanrijn.nl or +31(0)30 677 6466.